Michael & Michelle's wedding was a first in so many ways - first time in Jakarta, first time seeing such a big church/ big ballroom/ big everything, and an awesome first time witnessing the cutting of a huge wedding cake with a long sword! I'm still thinking of it...such a small but quirky segment in the whole proceedings.
After getting the full experience, I felt that their wedding was like two weddings back home. Everything was done on a big scale, with grandeur and opulence the key themes. Whilst staring in disbelief at the advancing troupe of ballerinas leading the couple into the cavernous ballroom, I couldn't help but feel half the city was present to watch the both of them tie the knot. I looked at Michelle to see if she was feeling nervous since this was the first Indonesian wedding for her too (and what a wedding!), but she was smiling and calm, with one hand tucked safely in the crook of Michael's arm. Michael seemed contented.
Like M&Ms, they may melt in your mouth, but definitely not in each others' hands.